Thursday, 16 April 2015

Placebo @ Minneapolis, MN, USA, Mill City Nights, 10/17/14 (#placebogig171014)

So, I know Minneapolis-St. Paul only has about 500,000 residents combined, but we were surprised to find only two local fans lined up in the queue! Right up until about 5pm or so, the line consisted almost entirely of international fans & one person from out of state, who to our delight was the guy whose mom got kicked out the night before. Venue staff was kind enough to provide us with lots of music while we waited, including lots of Placebo, so of course we broke into an impromptu sing along to Scene of the crime, to the amusement of one of their crew members - the Scottish (or is he Irish?) guy who always walks by poking fun at the regulars - sorry, I forget his name... As he passed, he said something like "What kind of rubbish music is that?" or something to that effect (don't quote me, I didn't quite catch what he said & had to get someone to translate! :hahaha: ).

The weather was beyond cold, thanks to a brisk wind. Eventually, security let the first 100 or so people into the basement bar an hour before the show, and those of us who'd been waiting for several hours throughout the day were able to go up to the barrier first, but everyone else quickly followed & we got a bit jumbled up from our ideal spots but we all made barricade which is the main thing! Despite security giving me a sneak peak earlier. I got totally disoriented & didn't run nearly far enough, so instead of being on Brian's side, I got to enjoy the Stefan experience instead, which allowed me a REALLY great view of that gorgeous rainbow guitar of his, and the stage was so small, I could still somewhat see Brian, so it was all good for me in the end, and things got even better after the show! Photos & video were strictly prohibited during this show, though, so sadly I didn't get any pics of that beautiful guitar, but I took every opportunity to etch it into memory whenever Stef came to the front of the stage. :)

During the show, my travel buddy got the treat of a lifetime, when Brian noticed her Mirror Trap shirt & gave her a shout-out, asking if she was from Russia! She was on cloud nine the rest of the night!  :) And at the end of the show, Brian joked that they were all going to go onto the tour bus & watch Purple Rain! :hahaha: As always, the band sounded wonderful! [EDIT] One other new thing I've noticed (and can't believe I keep forgetting to mention!) is the fact Brian acknowledges the bi & trans communities in his intro to One of the Kind every night by mentioning those of us who are "in between". I absolutely adore this! Thank you Brian!  :love1: :love1: :love1:

Afterwards, we braved the wind for about an hour in hopes of meeting the band, and FINALLY after several missed opportunities where people I was with kept running into them whenever I wasn't around, I FINALLY got the pleasure of meeting Stef & Steve who signed my LLL CD cover! I told Stef I loved his rainbow guitar, to which he replied HE had it made for Russia. He also said they have a UK tour planned for next year. And Steve's hands were super warm, unlike us who were feeling more like ice cubes by that point! Brian opted for a quiet night, though, and was whisked away in a car without stopping to chat, BUT according to my travel buddy, he did wave at us from the car, so that's at least something.  :) [EDIT] He also waived a second time as we were walking back to our hotel, but not sure if that was meant for all of us or just the European regulars who travelled across the pond. But who knows, my travelling sidekick was the one with the Mirror Trap shirt, so maybe we was waving at us, too...  :shrug:

1. B3
2. For What It's Worth
3. Loud Like Love
4. Every You Every Me
5. Scene of the Crime
6. A Million Little Pieces
7. Twenty Years
8. Too Many Friends
9. Rob the Bank
10. Purify
11. One of a Kind
12. Exit Wounds
13. Meds
14. Song to Say Goodbye
15. Special K
16. The Bitter End

17. Begin the End
18. Running Up That Hill
19. Post Blue
20. Infra-Red

The inside of my LLL CD cover signed by Stef (left) & then Steve (right) on 10/17/14 in Minneapolis.  <3 :vhappy:  :grinlove:

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